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How to Choose the Width of the Handlebar Bars

Whether your bike is entry-level, premium or fully custom, there are five points of contact between you and the bike that will ensure a comfortable and efficient ride.
Bicycle handlebars are more than just places to put gear and brake levers (though of course this is essential). Also helps determine the stability and handling characteristics of the bike. Plus, a well-tuned handlebar will have hours of comfortable riding.
Get the wrong position, however, and you could suffer from neck, shoulder and lower back pain, not to mention the risk of hand palsy (or ulnar neuropathy - due to compression or traction on the ulnar nerve that passes through the wrist into the hand, both Numbness in the smallest fingers, or weakness of the hand muscles).
Shoulder width is very important in choosing handlebar width.
In practice, I don't recall a rider suffering undue shoulder tension due to overly wide handlebars. In fact, many narrow-shouldered cyclists successfully ride a mountain bike with a 730mm handlebar and drop it happily because having a stable wide platform in their hands provides the extra confidence.
The same applies to the road, where wide handlebars provide stability and confidence to inexperienced riders regardless of their size or shoulder width. I often install wider handlebars for riders who suffer from tight shoulders, neck pain, jaw pain, or hand fatigue due to "death grip." This is probably the most notable of many women's bikes, with narrow handlebars for riders with narrow shoulders.

Q-02 bicycle parts CNC machining aluminum bicycle handlebar bike handle bar

Product name Bicycle parts CNC machining aluminum bicycle handlebar bike handle bar
Product model Q-02
Product category Bicycle handlebar
Texture of material Aluminum
Product tolerance +/-0.1mm
Purpose Assembled in the front of bicycle to control the direction
Processing mode CNC machining